W.R. Meadows Liquid-Hard Ultra Densifier


LIQUI-HARD ULTRA concrete densifier and chemical hardener is a waterborne, lithium-silicate-based, ready-to-use, colourless liquid, which hardens and dustproofs concrete at a molecular level.  After proper application, the finished surface offers substantial improvement in abrasion and chemical resistance and will significantly improve the durability of the surface when compared to untreated concrete.

As LIQUI-HARD ULTRA is applied and penetrates into the concrete surface, a chemical reaction takes place, producing a byproduct that fills in the pores of the concrete.  LIQUI-HARD ULTRA solidifies the concrete, eliminating dusting and pitting.

  • Penetrates deeply into concrete to densify and harden surfaces to help prevent entry of moisture and other foreign matter.
  • Quick and easy, hassle-free application procedure (no flushing or rinsing required).
  • Improved freeze/thaw resistance.
  • Dustproofs and improves chemical, petroleum, and abrasion resistance of treated surfaces.
  • Provides a permanent, attractive sheen with the ability to polish.
  • Protects against scratching or peeling.
  • Provides tough, protected surface that won’t yellow, discolour, or show pedestrian or vehicular traffic wear marks.
  • Improves light reflectance.
  • May be burnished.
  • Compatible with BELLATRIX for an enhanced concrete floor.
  • Ready to use from container and easy to apply.
  • Saves time on the polishing/burnishing process.
  • Indoor or outdoor use.
  • Environmentally safe, non-hazardous.
  • VOC content is 0.00 g/L.


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18.9L PAIL, 205L DRUM, 3.78L JUG


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