About Permavoid
With the world shifting a focus to more eco-friendly tactics in every facet, there is no wonder why eco-friendly products within the construction industry are getting more and more attention. In 2022, there are an ever-growing amount of eco-friendly products within the industry. Form & Build is proud to be eco-friendly, and also proud to be the exclusive Ontario distributor of Permavoid. Permavoid prides themselves on their stormwater management system’s and rightfully so, and they are an innovating leader in stormwater and environmentally friendly products. Form & Build proudly carries two major products from Permavoid, those being Permavoid 150 and 85.

What is Permavoid 150 and 85?
Permavoid 150 is a modular interlocking polypropylene void-former, that was originally designed as a high strength, lightweight and open subbase replacement system. The system is characterized by an exceptionally high compressive strength and bending resistance. The units connected with PermaTies create a rigid horizontal structural “raft”, ideal for multifunctional subbase applications. The system has evolved to a subbase replacement system with aeration, water conveyance, storage, infiltration, and irrigation functionality. While also effectively combining its high compression strength with the very high void ratio (95%), providing reliable and efficient stormwater conveyance and storage in subbase constructions. It is not only suitable for stormwater attenuation and conveyance but also functions as a sub-soil capillary irrigation system, creating a constant soil moisture content for plants, turf grass or equestrian surfaces. Altogether, it provides an eco-friendly solution to stormwater management while also providing an eco-friendly option for your soil. Permavoid 85 does the same thing, but with a shallow 85mm sustainable urban sustainable system as opposed to a 150mm shallow system, and are not mutually exclusive, they can be used together. The difference being the sheer size for the two, with different jobs and situations being more geared towards a specific size.
Why Should I Think About Using it?
The two sizes provide flexibility to provide use for any job of any size, meaning these can be applicable in nearly every situation. Now that more and more municipalities are not allowing for excess runoff into sewers, Permavoid provides a perfect solution to this issue, through using stormwater within a renewable system to passively irrigate the area and stop drainage into the sewers. There are plenty of benefits to having a passive renewable stormwater management system such as eliminating the costs associated with deep excavations, backfill materials, potential subgrade conflicts, and any/all costs associated with the manual removal of stormwater runoff. On top of everything mentioned, it means less trips to the planters for water (this uses less water overall) which means less trips for the crews involved with keeping the greens fresh and healthy (less manual labour). Permavoid effectively transforms stormwater, which for some is an issue, into a renewable resource!
Where Could I Find Such Great Products?
Why at www.Formandbuild.com of course! Form & Build is a proud carrier of the ABT Permavoid product line. On the website you can clearly locate the Permavoid 150 by clicking here, and also the Permavoid 85 too by clicking here. Check out the capillary cones and PermaTies too. Give it all a look online today and get a quote online, or get in touch with a Form & Build sales representative to see if the fit is right for you.